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Latest News and Views from Ascent Wealth Management

Welcome to the Latest News and Views,

We hope that everyone is excited for Easter, it’s a great time to have a break and spend some time with loved ones. We have a few articles to keep you updated over the break, we hope you enjoy the read.

Market update

Australia continues to have a strong view on jobs with unemployment rates continuing to be positive, the same is also happening in the US. Although economists are waiting for these positive changes to lead to wage growth.

The Power of Compounding

From your savings account to your super, the effect that compounding has can make a big difference to your desired outcome. The principle of compounding is simply earnings on your earnings, the article runs through a little scenario on how the magic happens.

6 important reasons why camping is good for you

Is life getting too busy? Maybe it’s time go camping with family and friends. Not only is it good for your health from being out in the fresh air and doing more walking, but it gives you the chance to challenge yourself in an environment you’re not in often.

Refer a friend!

For those of you that have friends, colleagues and family looking to sort out their finances in 2018, don’t hesitate to let us know so we can provide a complimentary initial meeting to help them take their first step to financial freedom.


From all the team at Ascent Wealth Management