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The Latest News and Views from Ascent Wealth Management

We hoped that everyone enjoyed April as we edge closer to the end of financial year and the upcoming Federal Budget on the 8th May. We have selected a few articles to keep you updated on financial news.

Market update

The global economy continues to grow steadily, with global inflation expected to meet world central banks targets. The rise in inflation is somewhat a double edge sword; we may see the rise in cash rates which would start to benefit those with larger bank deposits. On the other hand it also increases the interest bill for people with loans such as mortgages, credit cards and personal loans. The accompanying rise in debt repayments may become a problem if it becomes disproportionate with wages growth.  We will need to wait and see how this plays out; the speed at which interest rate increases occur will play a large part on what impact is felt in the community; our Reserve Bank has a history of restraint in this area.  Hopefully their actions prove to be a role model for other Central Banks.

Waiting for the ‘perfect’ moment to invest

For those who have been waiting for the perfect time to invest into the share market, this article is for you. Timing the market can be difficult, nearly impossible, even for professionals.  No one has a crystal ball to give celestial guidance as to when to enter or exit the market.  In this article we look at the the basics of investing; questions such as when will you need to access these funds, what level of risk are you prepared to accept, and whether an income stream along the way is important, are all matters worth considering before taking the plunge into the markets.

A will isn’t always the only way

We have had the discussion Wills and Estate Planning with many of ourt clients at one time or another.   But a will is only one of the ways to transfer your assets after you die.  Some assets are not distributed under a will. These are non-estate assets which are commonly made up by jointly held assets, superannuation and insurance proceeds.  For these reasons the way you structure your estate and estate arrangements can determine who receives the proceeds.  Selecting the appropriate structure can give you some control over when they are received by your beneficiaries and whether tax is payable.  Estate Planning is about more than just your Will!

Refer a friend!

For those of you that have friends, colleagues and family looking to sort out their finances in 2018, don’t hesitate to let us know so we can provide a complimentary initial meeting to help them take their first step to financial freedom.


From all the team at Ascent Wealth Management